

部门:教育学院中文网     日期:2022-05-27      访问次数:286


Education Innovation and Research with Children and Young People: Methods and Practices



2021年浙江大学教育学院协同英国伦敦大学学院教师与早期儿童研究中心、诺丁汉大学教育学院、布鲁奈尔大学教育学院联合成立了儿童创新与研究网络Network for Innovation and Research with Children and Youth),旨在进一步促进该领域的知识交流,提高公众对儿童视角的认识,培训研究人员进行儿童和年轻人的研究。


In the era of COVID-19 we have seen that the normal school life of children and young people around the world has been disrupted, as a result, the young children’s voices may be ignored while their rights may be infringed. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child stressed, “States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child”. The subjectiveness for children should be highlighted for they are the active social actors.

In 2021, the College of Education at Zhejiang University, together with Centre for Teacher and Early Years Education in University College London, School of education in University of Nottingham, and the Department of Education in Brunel University London, jointly established the Network for Innovation and Research with Children and Youth , whose purpose is to promote knowledge exchange, so as to deepen public understanding of children’s perspectives and offer assistance in conduct relative research on young children.

This year, the summer school activity invites scholars in pedagogy, sociology, psychology, brain science and other disciplines who engaged in research on children and young people, to provide a series of online workshops, to expand the international perspective of related disciplines, present us with the forefront of international research dynamic, development, and research interests, laying a foundation for scientific research and innovation.




The summer school whose topic is “Education Innovation and Research with Children and Young People: Methods and Practices”, is an interdisciplinary international exchange with pedagogy, psychology, sociology, brain science as the main body. Activities include academic lectures, workshops, seminars, etc. The contents involved are as follows: science learning for children and young people; children's experiences during the pandemic; guide the less privileged children to participate in learning through teaching design; Plant Blindness among the young generation; mathematics education in special education; dialogue behavior in primary school students' online courses; the relationship between natural connection and children's well-being.

The project will be conducted online due to the current outbreak. Under the guidance of foreign experts and scholars, Chinese students will be the center to jointly construct knowledge of scientific and environmental education through lectures, seminars, workshops, and other forms.

 课程安排Course Schedule(TBC).pdf


  伦敦大学学院(University College London

  伦敦国王学院(King’s College London

  埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter

  诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham

  布鲁奈尔大学(Brunel University

  德国曼海姆大学(Universität Mannheim

  塞浦路斯欧洲大学(European University Cyprus

  伊斯坦布尔梅德尼耶大学(Istanbul Medeniyet University

  纽约埃斯科尔塔学校研究与设计院(Eskolta School Research and Design

  加拿大康考迪亚大学埃德蒙顿分校(Concordia University of Edmonton





Registration Accesshttps://www.wjx.top/vj/tI4rI9j.aspx

Registration Deadline2022-6-20






This  program is  fully funded. After successfully registered, students will receive an email notification, please check your email in time. In principle, participants should not quit at random, and will be required to complete online learning tasks with both quality and quantity in accordance with the requirements of the project, and submit summaries as required.

Considering various potential influencing factor, the final arrangement may be adjusted based on actual circumstance; further notice will be given in case of special circumstances. For more information, please contact: Ms XIA,356341999@qq.com

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